Redotex capsulas buy redotex capsules

(1 customer review)


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redotex capsulas

redotex capsulas  is a diet pill that combines D norpseudoephedrine, triiodothyronine, diazepam, atropine and aloína.

Each capsule contains:

D-norpseudoephedrine hydrochloride ………… 50.00 mg.

Triyodothyronine sodium equivalent to ………. 0.075 mg triiodothyronine.

Atropine sulfate ……………………… 0.36 mg.

Aloin …………………………………. 16.2 mg.

Diazepam ……………………………….. 8.00 mg.

Excipient, cbp …………………………. 1 capsule.

Redotex Claims

As far as claims go, losing 6 pounds of fat in a week takes the cake. Some other claims include:

  • Diuretic
  • Weight loss
  • Body detoxification
  • Boosted metabolism
  • Powerful appetite suppressant
  • Fat burning

pills Redotex for weight loss

There are people who are affected by the center of satiety in the brain. The first component of Redotex is D-norpseudoephedrine , this increases the action of Carnitine and causes appetite to decrease.

Its second component is triiodothyronine and also a hormone that reduces in people who tend to put on weight due to having hypothyroidism, therefore, recommended that a specialist assess it before consuming it. If thyroid hormones are taken without hypothyroidism it will not be dangerous but they replace the origin of these hormones.

How Redotex works to lose weight

Some people have a damaged satiety center in the brain. The Redotex medication is responsible for fixing it. Its first component is D-norpseudoephedrine that increases the action of Carnitine and decreases appetite.

The second component is triiodothyronine. A hormone that decreases in patients who get fat because they have hypothyroidism. Before starting to take it, also recommended to use this Hypothyroidism Calculator to know who needs it. So Taking thyroid hormones without having hypothyroidism is not useful or dangerous, it simply replaces the origin of these hormones.

Additional information


10 Bottles 300 capsules, 20 Bottles 600 capsules, 5 Bottles 150 capsules, 50 Bottles 1500 capsules

1 review for Redotex capsulas buy redotex capsules

  1. nadergea

    this weight loss diet pill help me reduce up to 10 pounds of body fat on just a weekly

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